RF Mildnet 2.2.4
Info Rate Server RF MILDNET 2.2.4 V5
* 20 New Maps
* Exp Rate x1500
* Drop rate x40
* Mining Rate x100
* Animus Rate x15000
* Unlocked Skill Master ( pengganti Job 3 )
* lvl Cap 85
* Friendly GM
* No Open Quest
* Skill PT Force GM
* Donation Max +6
* Non Donation Max +6
* No Lag Server
Website and Forum >> http://rf.mildnet.in/forum/
Grup FB >> http://www.facebook.com/groups/252681371498904/
===Leveling guide====
* Lv 51 – 60 Lvling @Out Cast
* Lv 61 – Lv 65 Lving @Map Elven
* Lv 65 – 85 @New maps ( Elfsky,Olympus dll)
===Info Npc====
- scroll PB @foreign vendor all race
-Weapon all relic lvl 45+5 @ NPC Elan
- Armor 70 available at NPC Ambassador that sell armor LV 55
- Weapon 75 avalaible at NPC dark knight ambassador
- NPC suplier in elan sell golden armor
- NPC crawler and friend in sette sell potion, talic , T5, weapon 85 and armor 85
===drop list===== (stay up to date)
> Young Flem dropped Hora Darkhall Box.
> wing dropped excelsior C
> ...
drop list still building......